Parent Resources

From sports to theater to student council, ACE Western PA understands that there are many after school programs that demand your and your child’s attention. Our goal is to provide you with the right information to make the decisions that are best for your family.

ACE is an unparalleled network of professionals across the country. This experience provides the opportunity for scholarships, internships, careers, and more by connecting students with those professionals locally and nationally. Our about the program page dives deeper into the program structure and session descriptions. The links below provide more information about the benefits.

Colin Powell explains why its important to mentor the youth and why the ACE Mentoring Program is essential for America

Parent Consent Forms

Ace Mentor Program requires parental consent forms for students to participate in the program. Site visits require an additional consent form for each trip. Parents will complete these forms when their child registers.

Program Schedule

Easy access to session information such as topic, location, time, and more for parents with children already enrolled in the program.


Program Benefits

ACE Mentor Program of Western PA is an affiliate of a nationally-recognized organization. Learn more about the benefits your child can access by participating in the program.